Saturday, January 27, 2007


I have been obsessed with belly dancing for years. I do believe that the fad has come and passed. Lately, since I have been researching about belly dancing, knowing that soon I will be an active belly dancer for fitness, I have been watching videos and thinking, I want to do that. I am pretty sure my niche will be tribal. I have lately been considering trying to see if i could become a professional someday. I mean, I am trying to be everything else. I might as well try that. It will also give me a goal to keep learning and trying and keep fit. I decided to tell Mark and he said that I am being ridiculous and it's just a fad. :( That hurt. Now, I want to prove him wrong. *shifty eyes*

1 comment:

Silvrrmoon said...

I think bellydancing is such a beautiful art, I know some of the moves, but I'd like to learn more. I think I was kinda pissed when it popped up as a fad, I felt like there were too many people learning the art just because everyone else was doing it. The good thing about bellydancing is that in reality the dancers aren't toothpick thin! A lot of women don't know that. I mean, it's great to be skinny, but if you have feminine natural curves and bit of meat on your bones, it's really sexy! Actually, I remember surfing the net years ago and I found several pages of plus size bellydancers modeling their moves and costumes. I say if you are a bit nervous about showing off your belly, which I am!, create a costume that has tulle to slightly cover the belly. I hope you are able to eventually start learning!